Tip 5/30 – What is Shockwave Therapy?

shockwave therapy ottawa erectile dysfunction Peyronie disease

Tip 5/30 – What is Shockwave Therapy and what’s the difference between the clinics that offer it?

  1. Shockwave Therapy is a POWERFUL medical modality, one of the few that can treat not just DOZENS of conditions, but even diseases and syndromes.  

There is a massive amount of information available online about shockwave therapy.
It’s a relatively young modality, but there’s been hundreds of clinical trials that have proven its safety and efficacy.  

I encourage you to read this list of clinical studies on shockwave therapy (sometimes called ESWT or LiST or LIESWT – short for Low Intensity Electromagnetic Shock Wave Therapy). 


New research is being done all the time.
Here’s a very recent study from this year: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9826910/

“TLDR: LIESWT improves erectile function in the short-term especially in men with mild to moderate ED, and those without a cardiometabolic disease.”

It should be noted that not 100% of the studies show shockwave therapy as being effective. 

There are many factors as to why not every clinical trial is successful: Types of patients recruited, quality of device used, number of treatments, number of shocks, energy level of shocks, etc.  

That’s ok – this is science.

It’s also called a ‘practice’ for a reason – often times we continue to learn and try to improve. 

There exists no STANDARD shockwave therapy protocol that works for 100% of people.

That said – true shockwave (FOCUSED/LINEAR) is extremely safe, PAINLESS and side-effect free for almost everyone.  

It requires no downtime, no surgery, no invasion, and no drugs.  

Shockwave is an absolutely amazing, NATURAL medical technology that continues to evolve.  

  1. There are different types of ‘shockwave therapy’ and not all treatments are created equally.

Some treatments that advertise themselves as shockwave therapy don’t actually use true shockwaves.

Most important, and with respect to regenerative sexual medicine for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, and Urinary Incontinence or BPH, patients should insist their practitioner use FOCUSED or LINEAR shockwaves, NOT Radial/Acoustic/Piezoic or some gimmicky chair you sit in that makes you Kegel.  

Only FOCUSED/LINEAR shockwaves produce actual shockwaves, travelling at 1,500m/s into the body, with tremendous depth (7-12cm), to affect the necessary cellular level changes and stimulate angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation).  

Clinicians must use technology that allow them to modify the energy delivered by the focused shockwave – for targeting plaques and blockages or for breaking up calcifications and scar tissue.  They should be able to do this without PANCAKING the penis (pressing hard onto your member to achieve the required depths) which can be painful and cause bruising.

An inflamed prostate (BPH, non bacterial prostatitis, causing chronic pelvic pain syndrome or urinary incontinence) receiving FOCUSED shockwave therapy will see a decrease in the release of inflammatory mediators from cells in the treated area, and will trigger the nociceptors for pain relief.

Once again – only FOCUSED shockwaves can produce these benefits with any degree of accuracy and nothing will outperform a true shockwave delivered electromagnetically directly to the penis or perineum.  

So insist on FOCUSED or LINEAR shockwaves, specifically electromagnetically generated.

These are the most painless, side effect free, and no downtime procedures available in the marketplace today. 

  1. The technology is the proven science – but equally important (and possibly even MORE important) is the capable and caring clinician.

Shockwave Therapy is both a science AND an art.


The SCIENCE comes from using the right technology and from defining a generalized protocol.

The ART comes from developing a unique protocol for each patient (since everyone is different) and from the clinician understanding how to properly apply the technology.


The ability of the clinician to properly and effectively target the specific condition requires skill, patience, care, and a good understanding of the specific condition and how to treat it.

At FocusWave Clinic, only certified shockwave therapy clinicians with backgrounds in nursing or physiotherapy are treating our patients.  

Registered nurses (male for male issues, female for female issues) tend to be the very best at treatment – because of their very strong attention to detail, understanding of various medical conditions, and their patient-centric demeanour. 

  1. Shockwave Therapy really works – but not 100% – and not for everyone.

One of the questions I get asked most often is: What is your patients’ success rate?

The answer is – it depends.

In medicine, there are no guarantees.  

Everyone knows this but it needs reminding.

Not everyone will see 100% success in 100% of any medical treatment, whether it’s CPR, Chemo or Shockwave Therapy.

When I first started digging into the research prior to opening this clinic, I was somewhat skeptical about shockwave as a non-invasive strategy for improving and possibly, reversing, sexual diseases and conditions. 

The clinical studies meted out mostly positive results, and it was clearly a very safe treatment.

The numbers showed that, in general and on average, about 70% of patients reported positive results lasting anywhere from 6 months to 5 years.

At present, MORE than 80% of FocusWave Clinic patients are having positive results with Focused Shockwave Therapy.  

Be it new morning erections, lasting longer and feeling strong during intercourse, the straightening out of penis curvature, a reduction in pelvic pain, decreased frequency and urgency of urination.

Patients are WINNING. 

The wildcards that help us improve success rates including employing The Kitchen Sink Strategy (see next tip), which can close the gap of ineffectiveness.  

Book your consultation or FREE Discovery Call here: www.tinyurl.com/focuswave

Call 888-558-WAVE (9283) for more information.

Text 613-878-8164 for a quick chat.

#ottawa #Waterloo #Kitchener #ErectileDysfunction #EDtreatment #Menshealth #PeyroniesDisease #NitricOxide #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #UrinaryIncontinence #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #Anorgasmia #libido #sexualdysfunction #Dyspareunia #shockwavetherapy #sexualhealth #chronicpain #bladderincontinence #ErectileFunction #SexualHealthClinic #CurvedPenis #painfulerection #chronicpelvicpain #FocusWave #pelvichealth #pain #naturopath #testosterone

Tip 4/30 – Is shockwave always effective treatment for ED?

erectile dysfunction treatment with shockwave therapy

Tip 4/30 – Is shockwave always effective treatment for ED?

My 12 year old son Billy knows more about men’s sexual health than any 12 year old probably should.

For someone who has limited experience with boners, he asks some pertinent questions. 

The other day he said: “does everyone have the same kind of ED?”

“Good question buddy!”

And the answer is – NO. 

Some guys have very mild Erectile Dysfunction – it might not feel as strong as before, but you can get the job done.  

Others have more moderate and concerning symptoms – occasional failure to perform, declining libido.  

And some present with severe symptoms – a complete inability to sustain an erection.  

The majority of patients who come to see us suffer from vasculogenic ED, due to poor penile bloodflow.

In this case, focused shockwave therapy is highly effective.  

It’s considered a first line therapy by the European Association of Urology for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.

Your ED might be vasculogenic in nature, and even then, focused shockwave therapy alone will prove difficult, or even impossible, to improve your condition. Significant and chronic blood flow issues are difficult to correct with short term therapy. It will require additional effort on your part.  ED can be a harbinger of vascular illness, and patients should be well aware that atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) can impede blood flow to the penis. 

Your ED, however, might be hormonal in nature, and focused shockwave therapy alone, while providing ancillary vasculogenic benefits, might be of secondary importance to increasing your testosterone or correcting another hormonal imbalance. Are you taking medications that adversely affect erectile function?  Talk to your prescribing physician or ask us about visiting an amazing Naturopathic Physician in your area. We have access to the very best available. 

Your ED might be psychogenic in nature – and focused shockwave therapy, while it will eventually be used for neurology, cannot remove the dark clouds in your head. If you are anxious & depressed, or dealing with low libido and drive, or perhaps your partner is just unwilling – this may be the key driver. Sex starts in the brain. Talk to your doctor or ask us about finding a sex therapist in your area. We have access to the very best available.

How important is your sexual wellness and performance to you?

Give Shockwave Therapy a try.  

Book your consultation or FREE Discovery Call here: www.tinyurl.com/focuswave

Call 888-558-WAVE (9283) for more information.

Text 613-878-8164 for a quick chat.

#ottawa #Waterloo #Kitchener #ErectileDysfunction #EDtreatment 

#Menshealth #PeyroniesDisease #NitricOxide #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #UrinaryIncontinence #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #Anorgasmia #libido #sexualdysfunction #Dyspareunia #shockwavetherapy #sexualhealth #chronicpain #bladderincontinence #ErectileFunction #SexualHealthClinic #CurvedPenis #painfulerection #chronicpelvicpain #FocusWave #pelvichealth #pain #naturopath #testosterone 

Tip # 2 / 30 – Andropause

erectile dysfunction clinic ottawa Waterloo kitchener shockwave therapy peyronie's men's health

Tip #2/30 – ANDROPAUSE

What is Andropause and how do you stop it?

Andropause is characterized by a decline in testosterone production and the symptoms are generally related to a reduction in sexual function. 

It is also known as ‘late onset hypogonadism’. 

Some features of andropause include: 

Diminishing libido and erectile function, 

a reduced desire for sexual intimacy and relationships, 

and a decline in general well-being.

And NO ONE wants to talk about it. 

The most concerning symptom for men – and these are the patients we see – is an inability to get, or maintain, an erection (Erectile Dysfunction aka ED).
Erections that don’t last, don’t feel full, don’t feel strong, are not enough to penetrate – these are the main consternations we hear from our patients.

ED can be considered vasculogenic (related to poor blood flow), psychogenic (your head is getting in the way), or hormonal.

Sometimes it’s a combination of all 3 – but for the majority of men above the age of 50 – the issue is vascular and circulatory in nature.  

ED is a complex condition that can categorized as either mild, moderate or severe. 

This can be determined through some simple questionnaires and honest self-reporting.

Ultrasounds can also be considered to measure blood flow (Doppler) and look for anomalies in the penis (Penile), as well.

Either way, at FocusWave Clinic, we will advise you on how to work on all 3 forms of ED to get you back to where you need to be, and work to halt the regression caused by Andropause.

#Waterloo #Kitchener #PeyroniesDisease #NitricOxide #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #UrinaryIncontinence #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #Anorgasmia #libido #sexualdysfunction #Dyspareunia #shockwave #sexualhealth #chronicpain #bladderincontinence #ErectileFunction #SexualHealthClinic #Peyronies #chronicpelvicpain #erectiledysfunction #ChronicPelvicPain #FocusWave #pelvichealth #pain #menshealth #nitricoxide #ottawa #naturopath #testosterone 


Struggling down there?  

You are NOT alone.
50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from some form of sexual condition or dysfunction.

Isn’t it time to seek the help you need?

FocusWave Clinic offers 24 minute treatments for Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, and Urinary Incontinence.
Painless, Non-Invasive, Side-Effect Free!

You’re in – You’re out – You’re UP!

There’s also No Downtime!
You can leave the clinic and resume your daily activities – including sex!
In fact – we encourage it!

Insist on Focused Shockwave Therapy.
Unfocused or Acoustic Wave Therapy is USELESS and/or PAINFUL.

Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation.

You’ll speak with our clinic director, Drew, who is a member of the International Society of Sexual Medicine and with an educational background in biology.
Drew has spoken with more than 4000 men and women in the last 3 years reading their specific and unique conditions.
Don’t be shy – he will not be.  

Once at our clinic – you’ll meet with an amazing registered nurse who is also a certified shockwave therapy clinician.
He will run a battery of tests on you regarding your sexual wellness.
He will also perform a physical exam, go through your entire medical history, and teach you the specifics about how shockwave therapy works and how it might benefit your condition.

Once you are deemed a candidate for focused shockwave therapy – you can begin your treatment whenever you are ready.

Stand Firm and make a change!

BOOK an IN-CLINIC Consultation ($99) or a FREE DISCOVERY CALL:  www.tinyurl.com/focuswave

Text / What’s App: 613-878-8164

Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation

Email us at info@focuswaveclinic.com if you have any specific questions.
Complete our online form at www.focuswaveclinic.com

January 2024 Shockwave Special!!!!

Erectile Dysfunction Peyronie's disease Chronic Pain Mens Health Shockwave Therapy

Struggling down there?  

You are NOT alone.

50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from some form of sexual condition or dysfunction.

Insist on Focused Shockwave Therapy.

Unfocused or Acoustic Wave Therapy is USELESS and/or PAINFUL.

FocusWave Clinic offers 24 minute treatments for Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, and Urinary Incontinence.

Painless, Non-Invasive, Side-Effect Free!

You’re in – 

You’re out – 

You’re UP!

There’s No Downtime!

Leave the clinic and resume your daily activities, including sex!

In fact – we encourage it!

Isn’t it time to seek the help you need?

Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation.

You’ll speak with our clinic director, Drew, who is a member of the International Society of Sexual Medicine and has an educational background in biology and a career in technology.

Drew has spoken with more than 4000 men and women in the last 3 years reading their specific and unique conditions.  

Don’t be shy – he will not be.  

Once at our clinic – you’ll meet with an amazing registered nurse who is also a certified shockwave therapy clinician.  

He will run a battery of tests on you regarding your sexual wellness.  

He will also perform a physical exam, go through your entire medical history, and teach you the specifics about how shockwave therapy works and how it might benefit your condition.

Once you are deemed a candidate for focused shockwave therapy – you can begin your treatment whenever you are ready.

Stand Firm And Make a Change!

BOOK YOUR DISCOVERY CALL:  www.tinyurl.com/focuswave
Text / What’s App: 613-878-8164
Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation

Email us at info@focuswaveclinic.com if you have any specific questions.
Complete our online form at www.focuswaveclinic.com

UFC Fighters & Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile Dysfunction and UFC Fighting?

Why are so many UFC fighters, men who are generally healthy and active, more likely to suffer from #ErectileDysfunction?

Overtraining, #steroid abuse, and erratic #diet are considered to be the main contributors to #ED.

Focused #Shockwave Therapy is a safe, non-invasive, and effective way to treat your #SexualHealth conditions.

Call FocusWave Clinic in #Ottawa for a free Discovery Call and a $250 discount off your treatment course.

888-558-9283 or visit www.tinyurl.com/focuswave

Read the article here:

COVID & ED? What’s the Connection?

Covid virus

You don’t need to be a lab coat wearing ‘expert’ to know that there might be a link between Erectile Dysfunction and COVID.

A few questions to ponder:

Does COVID, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, cause ED?

Can your Erectile Dysfunction be an indicator that you are more susceptible to COVID?

What about the vaccines? Will they help or hinder your erectile function?

The ‘science’ has been dribbling out … (here, here, here) – pardon the pun.

And it WOULD make sense that if a virus were to negatively impact your cardiovascular system – then it could also effect your ability to achieve natural, normal erections.

What we DO KNOW is that Erectile Dysfunction is a harbinger of cardiovascular illness (here, here, here).

Since the arteries that flow to the penis are some of the smallest in the body, they can be among the first effected by an underlying, even undiagnosed, vascular condition.

ED is a well-established early warning sign that something isn’t right – and you should take it seriously.

While it may be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, you should address it.

If you want to improve your erectile function, it will also require you to make difficult lifestyle changes: your diet, exercise, sleep and overall conditioning.

Sure you can take a little blue pill from here until the cows come home – but this is simply treating the symptom and NOT the cause.

ED will not disappear on its own.

But thankfully, ED can be safely and effectively treated using FOCUSED SHOCKWAVE THERAPY.

At FocusWave Clinic in Ottawa & Kitchener – Waterloo, we combine our revolutionary, powerful, PAINLESS, natural focused shockwave therapy treatment, with improvements to your overall vascular health, including diet, exercise, sleep and more.

Our goal is singular – to help you enhance the quality of your sex life and your general wellbeing.

Contact FocusWave Clinic for a free discovery call regarding our amazing treatment for erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Bladder Incontinence, and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

We can help to get you back on track!

Call 888-558-9283 for a free discovery to see if Focused Shockwave Therapy is for you.


Erectile Dysfunction and Gum Disease?

Man smiling
Man smiling

Did you know that erectile dysfunction (ED) is closely associated with gum disease????

It makes some sense since gum disease and vascular health are very intertwined.

Check out this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5672720/

Make sure you visit your dentist at least twice a year and take care of those chompers!

Visit www.focuswaveclinic.com to learn more.

FocusWave is Ottawa’s premier clinic for treating erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, and Chronic Pelvic Pain using Focused Shockwave Therapy.

Call 613-422-9283 for a free consultation.

How Common Is ED?

graph of erectile dsyfunction
Graph of erectile dysfunction

What is the prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

According to this study – there’s a wide range.

At Ottawa’s FocusWave Clinic, the average patient age is about 56 years old – but we have treated men aged 19 to 91.
The rule of thumb is that 40% of men over 40 have experienced ED, 50% of men over 50, 60% of men over 60, and so on.

Bottom line – if you get to 100 years old – its basically assured that you are going to need some help!

Why not start treating THE CAUSE and not just the symptom?

Non-invasive & PAINLESS, Focused Shockwave Therapy is a side-effect free technology that can help men to achieve natural, longer lasting and fuller erections.

The treatment is also approved for treating Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS).

As well, our clinic treats all ranges of CHRONIC PAIN conditions (Plantar Fasciitis, Calcific Shoulders, Tennis/Golf Elbow, and much more).

Learn more by visiting www.focuswaveclinic.com or call 613-422-9283 for a free consultation.

Ottawa Women – Are You Suffering From Chronic Pelvic Pain?

Xray of bones
Xray of bones


FocusWave Clinic in Ottawa is looking for 10 female volunteers who wish to receive a COMPLIMENTARY treatment course of Focused Shockwave Therapy to see if this revolutionary modality can improve your condition.

That’s correct – this $2,000 treatment is FREE for the first 10 women who qualify.

Currently, our clinic is using this proven technology to treat sexual dysfunction in men (Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome).

Our patients are having excellent success, even better than what the peer reviewed studies would suggest.

For nearly 100% of patients, treatments are painless, side effect free and require no downtime.

It’s totally non-invasive and needle free.

We are trying to replicate this success in women – and need to show the efficacy that’s possible through a group of healthy volunteers.

So if you have had enough of Chronic Pelvic Pain, lack of sexual desire and low sex drive – why not give Focused Shockwave Therapy a shot?

These 10 spots should fill up quickly, so please call us at 613-422-9283 to see if you qualify.

Some conditions apply.