Anxiety, Depression & Men’s Sexual Health

Anxiety, Depression & Men’s Sexual Health

Depression and/or anxiety disorders in men is much more common than the statistics suggest.

Although only 5% of adult men annually report clinical depression in the Western world, approximately 20% admit to experiencing some form of anxiety disorder each year.

These numbers are rising, and alarmingly so. 

In recent polling, the percentage of U.S. adults who report having been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetime reached 29% in 2023, nearly 10 percentage points higher than in 2015.

In fact, all of these datapoints are likely to be vastly underreported due to social stigma associated with these disorders.


Without getting too deep into the clinical definitions and biopsychology of these conditions, we can confidently say that both depression and anxiety are weaknesses.

And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US have moments of weakness.  

Some moments of weakness can last minutes. 
Some can last days and weeks.  

No one is immune.

Acknowledging this is CRITICAL.


What’s eating at you?

What’s your problem?  


These are rhetorical questions because, here’s the thing: 

It doesn’t really matter.

It doesn’t matter if your environment is toxic (bad partner, crap boss, shitty job, no friends),

And it doesn’t matter if you are not motivated to do what you NEED to do (exercise, eating well, sleeping well, etc)…,

And it doesn’t matter if you are blowing it with your lifestyle (Smoking, drinking, being a lazy fuck). 

What matters is: you are feeling weak now.  

And THAT is what needs to change.

Take it Easy

It’s OK if you are feeling down and struggling.


The pain you experience, however, is OPTIONAL.

So when I see a patient coming in with anxiety, or stress, or extreme sadness, the first thing I do is to put my hands up and tell them: “Take it Easy!”

And I often repeat it “….Take it Easy….”.

I know ‘taking it easy’ is sometimes easier said than done, but this is the simplest advice you can receive when it’s clear you are mentally exhausting yourself.

You need to REST and TAKE IT EASY.

I’m not telling you to lay down and quit.

I’m telling you to STOP, BREATHE, REST and TAKE IT EASY…so you can come back stronger and carry on.

Sex Starts in the Brain

Men take a lot of shit – we are expected to have more agency and control than women. 

The former are usually seen as victimizer while the latter is often seen as a victim.

Nowadays, we hear more about the downsides of the ‘Patriarchy’ than we do the ills of ‘Feminism’.  

When it comes to our health, unfortunately, we aren’t very good at admitting, or working to repair, what is ailing us.

It’s different for everyone as to the what, and the why; but generally speaking, men struggle to take charge and make changes to both their physical and mental health (as compared to women)  

The effect of mental health issues on a man’s sexual wellness is significant.

And in like manner, a man’s sexual wellness can directly affect his mental health.

It’s a 2-way street filled with potholes, pedestrians and peril.

Here are 5 ways your depression or anxiety can impact your sexual wellness:

1. **Erectile Dysfunction (ED):** Men with depression or anxiety are at a higher risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction. The psychological stress associated with these conditions can interfere with the brain’s ability to send the necessary signals to trigger an erection.  Sex ALWAYS starts in the brain.

2. **Reduced Libido:** Both depression and anxiety can lead to a decrease in sexual desire or libido. The emotional and physical fatigue associated with these mental health conditions often dampens sexual interest and enthusiasm.

3. **Premature Ejaculation (PE):** Anxiety, particularly performance anxiety, can contribute to premature ejaculation. The pressure to perform well can create a cycle of anxiety and rapid ejaculation.

4. **Difficulty Achieving Orgasm:** Depression and certain antidepressant medications can make it challenging to reach orgasm, contributing to sexual dissatisfaction.

5. **Relationship Strain:** Mental health issues can strain intimate relationships, leading to decreased emotional and physical intimacy. This strain can further exacerbate sexual health problems.

Addressing the Connection

Given the strong link between mental health and sexual wellness, it is crucial to address both aspects in treatment. 

Men experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety should consider seeking professional help, be it a therapist, sexologist, naturopath, or allopath.  

Addressing these mental health issues can lead to improvements in sexual health and overall well-being.

At FocusWave Clinic, we are committed to providing comprehensive care that addresses both mental and sexual health. Our approach includes a combination of tailored treatment plans, where we can integrate mental health support, natural sexual health treatments, and a holistic solution to overall improve well-being and quality of life.  

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or sexual health issues, we encourage you to book a consultation with us. 

Taking the first step towards treatment can significantly improve your mental and sexual wellness.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call us at 888-558-9283.

Prioritize your health and well-being this Men’s Health Awareness Month.

Warm regards,

Drew Klein, Certified Sexologist & Clinic Director

FocusWave Clinic



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How Much Does Shockwave Therapy Treatment Cost?

How Much Does Shockwave Therapy Treatment Cost for Men’s Sexual Health: Unveiling the Price of Healing

Shockwave therapy, also known as low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT), has emerged as a promising treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). As men seek practical solutions to improve their sexual health, understanding the costs associated with this innovative therapy is crucial. This essay delves into the financial aspects of shockwave therapy for ED, exploring the factors influencing the price, comparing it with other treatments, and examining whether it offers value for money.

Understanding Shockwave Therapy for ED

Shockwave therapy uses acoustic waves to stimulate blood flow and promote the growth of new blood vessels in the penile tissues. This non-invasive treatment aims to address the underlying vascular causes of ED rather than merely treating the symptoms. Studies have shown that shockwave therapy can improve erectile function, especially in men with mild to moderate ED.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Shockwave Therapy

The cost of shockwave therapy can vary widely depending on several factors:

1. **Geographic Location**: The cost of medical treatments, including shockwave therapy, can differ significantly by region or country. Treatment prices are generally higher in metropolitan areas with higher living costs.

2. **Clinic and Provider**: Different clinics and healthcare providers may charge varying rates for shockwave therapy. Factors such as the clinic’s reputation, the healthcare provider’s expertise, and the equipment quality can influence the price.

3. **Number of Sessions**: Shockwave therapy for ED typically requires multiple sessions. The number of sessions needed can vary based on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to treatment. More sessions will naturally increase the overall cost.

4. **Insurance Coverage**: Shockwave therapy for ED is often considered an elective procedure and may not be covered by insurance plans. This can significantly impact patients’ out-of-pocket expenses.

5. **Additional Costs**: Additional costs may be associated with initial consultations, follow-up visits, and any supplementary treatments or medications prescribed alongside shockwave therapy.

Average Cost of Shockwave Therapy

While the exact cost can vary, the average price for shockwave therapy for ED typically ranges from $400 to $500 per session. Given that a standard treatment protocol usually involves 6 to 12 sessions, the total cost can range from $2,400 to $6,000. It’s important to note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on the factors above.

Comparing Shockwave Therapy with Other ED Treatments

To assess whether shockwave therapy offers value for money, it’s helpful to compare it with other common ED treatments:

1. **Oral Medications**: Drugs like sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra) are widely used for ED. The cost of these medications can vary, but they generally range from $10 to $70 per pill. While these drugs can be effective, they do not address the underlying causes of ED and must be taken before sexual activity.

2. **Penile Injections**: Intracavernosal injections involve injecting medication directly into the penis to induce an erection. The cost per injection can range from $30 to $100. This method can be effective but may be uncomfortable for some men.

3. **Vacuum Erection Devices (VEDs)**: VEDs use a vacuum to draw blood into the penis, followed by a constriction ring to maintain the erection. The cost of VEDs can range from $200 to $500. While effective for some, they can be cumbersome and less spontaneous.

4. **Penile Implants**: Surgical options such as penile implants are more invasive. The cost of penile implants, including surgery and post-operative care, can range from $10,000 to $30,000. Implants can provide a permanent solution but involve significant medical risks and recovery time.

5. **Lifestyle Changes and Counseling**: Counselling and behavioural therapy can also improve ED by addressing underlying lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and mental health. The cost of such interventions can vary widely depending on the type and duration of therapy required.

Evaluating the Value of Shockwave Therapy

When considering the cost of shockwave therapy, weighing the potential benefits against the expenses is essential. Here are some key points to consider:

1. **Long-Term Benefits**: Unlike medications that need to be taken repeatedly, shockwave therapy aims to provide long-term improvement by addressing the vascular causes of ED. This can reduce the need for ongoing medication and associated costs.

2. **Non-Invasive Nature**: Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment with minimal side effects. This makes it an attractive option for men seeking to avoid the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.

3. **Improved Quality of Life**: Effective treatment of ED can significantly enhance quality of life, self-esteem, and relationship satisfaction. The potential for long-lasting results makes shockwave therapy a valuable option for many men.

4. ** Lack of Insurance Coverage **: The out-of-pocket cost can be a significant consideration for many patients. Since shockwave therapy is often not covered by insurance, individuals must assess their financial capacity to undergo treatment.

Patient Experiences and Clinical Outcomes

Clinical studies and patient testimonials provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and satisfaction of shockwave therapy for ED. Research has shown that many men experience significant improvements in erectile function and sexual satisfaction following shockwave therapy. However, results can vary; not all patients may respond to treatment.

Patient experiences highlight the importance of realistic expectations and thorough consultations with healthcare providers. A personalized approach, considering the individual’s medical history and specific needs, can enhance the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Focused or Linear Shockwave Therapy devices are costly machines.

Also known as ESWT (Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy), the varied-energy Electromagnetic Shockwave Therapy Device we use at FocusWave Clinic is APPROVED for treating Men’s sexual health conditions like Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS).

And they are worth their weight in gold – Our Swiss medical device can perform incredibly therapeutic effects on the body.
Nevertheless, we don’t see any of our patients with OHIP or extended health insurance benefits that cover (even partially) the treatment cost.
The government and health insurers have taken the tack that a healthy sex life just isn’t that important when, in fact, nearly 50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from some form of ED.
Therefore, FocusWave Clinic is private and requires upfront payment for all treatments.
Which is OK for some but not for others.
And that sucks because we hate to turn down someone who might benefit from the treatment but can’t afford it.
It also really sucks that some people are forced to weigh the cost between doing nothing and the potential of IMPROVING THEIR SEX LIFE using this fantastic technology.
Sex is a HUGE part of a healthy man’s life – whether you are 22 or 92 years old.
At FocusWave Clinic, we have six treatment courses for you at a reasonable price.
Any additional treatment packages required beyond that are available for a deeply discounted price.
You will not find a lower-priced treatment of this kind anywhere in the city—if you do, we will match it.
Focused Shockwave Therapy is painless, side effect-free, and requires no downtime.
No invasive surgery, no numbing creams required, and no needles.
The pills may work for you now – but they don’t attack the condition’s pathophysiology.
Focused Shockwave Therapy DOES.
Make sure you compare apples with apples.
Is your clinic offering you unlimited treatments for a high cost?
Why would you need unlimited treatments for something that’s supposed to work?
Sounds like a life sentence.
Are they offering you Focused/Linear Shockwave Therapy or Radial/Acoustic/Pulse Wave Therapy?
The former is what we use, and the latter is primarily useless for treating ED and is NOT APPROVED by National Regulators.

The Future of Shockwave Therapy for ED

As research and technology advance, the accessibility and efficacy of shockwave therapy for ED may improve. Clinical trials and studies explore optimized treatment protocols, combination therapies, and long-term benefits. Additionally, increased awareness and acceptance of this treatment option could lead to better insurance coverage and reduced costs.

If you are considering Shockwave Therapy for treating your Erectile Dysfunction or sexual health condition and are looking at available options, make sure you ask your clinic the following questions:


1) Will this treatment help me perform like I did when I was 20?
(ANSWER: NO! Run away from liars who make false and exaggerated promises.)
2) What type of Shockwave equipment are you using for this treatment? Is it an approved device for treating my Sexual Health Disease?
(ANSWER: Ottawa’s FocusWave Clinic uses Focused Shockwave Therapy, an approved treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. Radial / Acoustic / Pulse waves aren’t approved for treating sexual health conditions – they can’t reach the depth required to treat your condition, and for most people, they hurt.)
3) Does the treatment hurt, will I need numbing creams, and will there be any downtime?
(ANSWER: Focused Shockwaves might feel weird – but they are generally painless. No numbing creams are required. You can resume sex immediately after leaving the clinic. No bruising or side effects have been noted.)
Don’t be fooled by the lure of unlimited treatments with inferior technology. Call FocusWave Clinic, Ottawa’s only locally owned Focused Shockwave Therapy Clinic, to learn more.
Sexual dysfunction is a vicious circle. You can’t perform, and your confidence declines, and so when it’s time for you to perform again, you have anxiety that you can’t perform, and you can’t perform, and so on.
Eventually, you stop looking to have sex. Brutal.
Sex is essential to men. According to social psychologist Roy Baumeister, men under the age of 60 think about sex at least once a day, while only 25% of women think about it as frequently.
And it SHOULD be important. Sex is one of the five pillars of a healthy lifestyle (Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Intellectual Stimulation, Sex). Lose one pillar, and the rest of your tower can crumble.
Humans are a procrastinating bunch—especially men—and most definitely regarding health issues.
In our clinic, and I imagine it’s common in most fields of medicine, we see patients who have been dealing with their sexual health conditions for YEARS. They take forever to make the changes required to improve their underlying problems.  
We tend to believe that some conditions will resolve themselves on their own.  
Voltaire said: “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” While this may be true for some conditions, it’s certainly not for others.
Vasculogenic Erectile Dysfunction, Scar Tissue and plaque buildup in the penis, causing Peyronie’s Disease, and persistent pelvic pains that have no bacterial origin….these are problems that are not going to fix themselves.  
Anyone who is on the sidelines about treating their Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, or Chronic Pelvic Pain should ask themselves the following question: How important is it for you to improve your condition?
Some gentlemen confirm that with no partner and no partner on the horizon, their sex life isn’t all that important to them. So why bother? OK – fair enough. It’s hard to convince someone who never leaves their house that they MUST detail and maintain their vehicle.
The problem is, if you don’t keep your wheels in good shape when it’s time to get in the driver’s seat, you will be turning over that engine, and the bloody thing won’t start.  
Don’t get stuck in your driveway. Stop procrastinating. Fix up your ride.
Call FocusWave Clinic and book your consultation. 
613-422-9283 or fill out the form here and stop the suffering


Shockwave therapy for ED represents a promising treatment option that addresses the root causes of the condition. While the cost can be significant, particularly given the lack of insurance coverage, the potential for long-term benefits and improved quality of life make it a valuable consideration for many men. By understanding the factors that influence the cost and comparing it with other available treatments, individuals can make informed decisions about their sexual health. As research continues to advance, the accessibility and affordability of shockwave therapy may improve, offering hope to even more men seeking practical solutions for erectile dysfunction.

#ErectileDysfunction #Ottawa #EDclinic #PeyroniesDisease #ChronicPain #PelvicPain #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #SexualHealth #MensHealth #WomensHealth #ShockwaveTherapy #ErectionProblem #Endometriosis #Impotence #ED #Wellness #Natural #PD #CPPS

Cure ED with Simple Tricks? Sorry…

Lady is curious about something

If you are still dealing with Sexual Dysfunction, you’ve probably been surfing Youtube to find videos titled ‘EASY and permanent ED cure! or ‘How to fix my Peyronie’s Disease in 8 minutes!’ or ‘Eliminate pelvic pain & bladder incontinence forever!’.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but – THERE EXISTS NO SIMPLE TRICK TO CURE ED.

There’s a lot of good information out there, and you should be judicious in searching it out.  

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent condition that affects a significant portion of the male population worldwide. Characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance, ED can have profound psychological and relational impacts. Despite the widespread desire for a quick fix, the complexities underlying erectile dysfunction make such solutions unrealistic and potentially harmful. This essay will explore the multifaceted nature of ED, the reasons why quick fixes are ineffective, and the importance of a comprehensive approach to treatment.

Again – there exists no SIMPLE TRICK TO CURE ED.
It’s a multi-variate analysis which requires work and introspection.

### Understanding Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is not a disease in itself but a symptom of various underlying conditions. These can be broadly categorized into physical, psychological, and lifestyle-related factors.

**Physical Causes:**
1. **Cardiovascular Diseases:** Conditions such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and high cholesterol can impair blood flow to the penis, making erections difficult to achieve.
2. **Diabetes:** Diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves that are crucial for erectile function.
3. **Hormonal Imbalances:** Low levels of testosterone or other hormonal imbalances can contribute to ED.
4. **Neurological Disorders:** Diseases like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injuries can interfere with the nerve signals required for an erection.
5. **Medications:** Certain drugs, including those for depression, anxiety, and hypertension, can have side effects that lead to ED.

**Psychological Causes:**
1. **Stress and Anxiety:** Mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression can significantly affect sexual performance.
2. **Relationship Problems:** Interpersonal conflicts and poor communication with a partner can contribute to ED.
3. **Performance Anxiety:** Worrying about sexual performance can itself cause or exacerbate erectile difficulties.

**Lifestyle Factors:**
1. **Smoking:** Tobacco use can damage blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the penis.
2. **Alcohol and Substance Abuse:** Excessive alcohol consumption and the use of certain recreational drugs can lead to ED.
3. **Obesity and Lack of Exercise:** Poor physical health can impair sexual function.

Why Quick Fixes Are Ineffective

The desire for a quick fix to cure ED is understandable, given its impact on quality of life. However, such solutions are generally ineffective and can even be dangerous due to the following reasons:

**Symptomatic Relief vs. Root Cause:**
Most quick fixes, such as over-the-counter supplements and unverified treatments, focus on symptomatic relief rather than addressing the underlying causes of ED. These methods might offer temporary improvement but fail to provide a long-term solution. For instance, a pill that increases blood flow to the penis may help achieve an erection but won’t address underlying issues like cardiovascular disease or diabetes that require medical attention and lifestyle changes.

**Potential for Harm:**
Many quick-fix solutions are unregulated and can pose significant health risks. Supplements and herbal remedies often contain undisclosed ingredients that can interact with prescription medications or exacerbate existing health conditions. Moreover, the lack of scientific evidence supporting these products raises questions about their efficacy and safety.

**Psychological Impact:**
Relying on quick fixes can also have detrimental psychological effects. Temporary solutions can lead to dependency, increased anxiety, and frustration when they fail to work consistently to cure ED. This can create a vicious cycle, where the stress and disappointment associated with unreliable treatments further exacerbate ED.

**Ignoring Comprehensive Health:**
Quick fixes tend to ignore the broader context of an individual’s health. Erectile dysfunction is often a sign of other serious health issues that require comprehensive management. Focusing solely on symptom relief can delay the diagnosis and treatment of conditions like heart disease or diabetes, potentially leading to more severe health outcomes and ultimately, not giving you the tools to cure ED.

### Comprehensive Approach to Treatment

Effective management of erectile dysfunction requires a comprehensive, individualized approach that addresses the root causes and involves medical, psychological, and lifestyle interventions.

**Medical Treatment:**
1. **Medications:** PDE5 inhibitors such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra) are commonly prescribed to enhance erectile function. These drugs improve blood flow to the penis but need to be used under medical supervision, especially in patients with underlying health conditions. Again – these drugs are not the way to cure ED – these are symptom fixers and don’t address the root cause.
2. **Hormone Therapy:** For men with hormonal imbalances, testosterone replacement therapy may be recommended.
3. **Devices:** Vacuum erection devices, penile implants, and injections can provide alternatives for those who do not respond to oral medications.
4. **Surgery:** Vascular surgery may be an option in rare cases where there is a specific anatomical cause for ED. There is risk in surgery, of course, and no guarantees even that this will cure ED.

**Psychological Support:**
1. **Counseling and Therapy:** Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of psychotherapy can help address psychological causes of ED, such as performance anxiety, depression, and relationship issues.
2. **Couples Therapy:** Engaging in therapy with a partner can improve communication and reduce relational stress contributing to ED.

**Lifestyle Changes:**
1. **Exercise:** Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health and blood flow, reducing the risk of ED.
2. **Diet:** A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins supports overall health and can improve erectile function.
3. **Smoking Cessation:** Quitting smoking can enhance vascular health and erectile performance.
4. **Moderating Alcohol Intake:** Reducing alcohol consumption can prevent the negative effects of excessive drinking on sexual function.
5. **Weight Management:** Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions associated with ED.

But treating these conditions is often a process – and there exists no ‘silver bullet’ on how to cure ED.

If you think just popping a blue pill is fixing your ED, you’ve got it backwards.
Popping pills treats the symptom – NOT the root cause.
It will not cure ED.

What treats the root cause of your ED (or PD, or CPPS, or UI/BPH)? 
Focused Shockwave Therapy.

What do shockwaves do at the site? (BIOLOGY & PHYSIOLOGY)

Shockwaves increase the expression of 2 major proteins – eNOS & VEGF – to accelerate wound healing.

eNOS – endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase is primarily responsible for the generation of Nitric Oxide in the vascular endothelium and it plays a critical role in regulating and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

VEGF – vascular endothelial growth factor – a small group of signal protein produced by cells that stimulates the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis).


  1. – Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (Li-ESWT) for Erectile Dysfunction: Myths and realities
    (Conclusion: Scores improved in patients who underwent the procedure with results maintained after 12 months, highlighting the effectiveness of this treatment.)
  2. – Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy for Peyronie’s Disease: An Indian experience
    (Conclusion: A significant improvement was observed in pain and plaque size in patients treated by Li-ESWT.)
  3. – Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: Long-term follow-up
    (Conclusion: The treatment significantly improved the Quality of Life of the patients.)
  4. – Extracorporeal shockwave therapy of the perineum for male patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a pilot study
    (Conclusion: ESWT to the perineal region may also provide potential treatments/improvements to erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
  5. – Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy as a Novel Treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Randomized-Controlled Clinical Study
    (Conclusion: 8 weeks of LiESWT attenuated Stress Urinary Incontinence symptoms upon physical activity, reduced urine leakage, and ameliorated overactive bladder symptoms, which implied that LiESWT significantly improved the quality of life)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be, however, a potential indicator or harbinger of vascular issues, particularly those related to blood flow.

In many cases, ED is linked to problems with the blood vessels that supply the penis.

Here’s how vascular issues can contribute to ED:

  1. Blood Flow to the Penis:
    • Erections occur when there is sufficient blood flow to the erectile tissues of the penis. If there are issues with blood vessels, such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), it can impede blood flow and lead to difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.
  2. Endothelial Dysfunction:
    • Endothelial cells line the blood vessels, and dysfunction in these cells can contribute to vascular problems. Endothelial dysfunction is associated with atherosclerosis and can impact the ability of blood vessels to dilate properly.
  3. Connection to Cardiovascular Health:
    • The blood vessels in the penis are relatively small, and issues affecting them may reflect broader cardiovascular concerns. ED has been recognized as a potential marker for cardiovascular disease.
  4. Risk Factors:
    • Shared risk factors, such as smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol, contribute to both vascular issues and ED.

ED can serve as a warning sign for underlying vascular problems. Men experiencing persistent or recurrent ED are often advised to undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation to assess cardiovascular health and identify potential risk factors. Addressing vascular health through lifestyle changes, medication, or other interventions may positively impact both ED and overall cardiovascular well-being. If you have concerns about ED or vascular health, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.

Erectile dysfunction is a complex condition with multifactorial causes. The appeal of quick fixes is understandable but ultimately misguided. Temporary solutions that do not address the underlying causes can lead to further health complications and psychological distress. A comprehensive approach, tailored to the individual’s specific needs and underlying conditions, offers the best chance for effective and sustainable management of erectile dysfunction. By addressing medical, psychological, and lifestyle factors, men can achieve better overall health and improved sexual function, leading to a higher quality of life.

But one thing is certain: FOCUSED SHOCKWAVE THERAPY is a painless, effective, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, side-effect free MARVEL of a treatment. For many men – it’s a natural way to actually cure ED as it attacks the root cause of the condition.

Men’s sexual wellness is a multifaceted aspect of health that encompasses physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. As men age, several factors can contribute to a decline in sexual wellness, impacting their quality of life and overall health. This treatise explores the various dimensions of this decline, examining its causes, effects, and potential interventions.

Physiological Factors

1. Hormonal Changes:

  • Testosterone Decline: Testosterone levels in men peak during late adolescence and early adulthood. After the age of 30-40, these levels gradually decrease by about 1% per year. This decline can lead to reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and decreased energy levels.
  • Andropause: Similar to menopause in women, andropause represents the age-related decline in androgen levels. Symptoms include fatigue, mood swings, and diminished sexual desire.

2. Chronic Health Conditions:

  • Cardiovascular Disease: Poor cardiovascular health can impair blood flow, leading to erectile dysfunction.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes can cause nerve damage and affect blood flow, contributing to sexual dysfunction.
  • Obesity: Excess body weight can lead to hormonal imbalances and reduced sexual function.

Psychological and Emotional Factors

1. Stress and Anxiety:

  • Performance Anxiety: Fear of sexual inadequacy can inhibit performance and reduce sexual satisfaction.
  • Chronic Stress: Long-term stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, affecting libido and sexual performance.

2. Mental Health Disorders:

  • Depression: Depression is closely linked to reduced sexual desire and erectile dysfunction. Medications for depression can also have side effects impacting sexual wellness.
  • Body Image Issues: Negative body image can reduce self-esteem and affect sexual confidence.

Lifestyle Factors

1. Diet and Nutrition:

  • Poor diet can lead to obesity and related health issues that impact sexual function.
  • Nutrient deficiencies can affect hormonal balance and energy levels.

2. Physical Activity:

  • Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and enhances sexual performance.
  • Sedentary lifestyle contributes to obesity and reduces sexual desire and function.

3. Substance Use:

  • Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can impair sexual function and reduce libido.
  • Smoking: Smoking damages blood vessels, reducing blood flow and leading to erectile dysfunction.

Societal and Relationship Factors

1. Relationship Dynamics:

  • Communication issues and unresolved conflicts can reduce intimacy and sexual satisfaction.
  • Emotional disconnect and lack of physical affection can impact sexual desire.

2. Societal Expectations:

  • Cultural norms and expectations regarding masculinity and sexual performance can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Interventions and Management

1. Medical Interventions:

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): TRT can help manage symptoms of low testosterone but must be carefully monitored.
  • Medications: Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (e.g., Viagra) can treat erectile dysfunction effectively.

2. Psychological Support:

  • Counseling and Therapy: Addressing mental health issues and relationship counseling can improve sexual wellness.
  • Stress Management Techniques: Mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques can reduce stress and anxiety.

3. Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Healthy Diet and Regular Exercise: Maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity can enhance overall and sexual health.
  • Avoiding Harmful Substances: Reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking improve sexual function.


The decline in men’s sexual wellness is influenced by a combination of physiological, psychological, and lifestyle factors. How to cure ED is a question that’s been asked throughout history – this is not a new condition.  Addressing these issues holistically through medical interventions, psychological support, and lifestyle modifications can significantly improve men’s sexual health and overall quality of life. Awareness and open communication about these issues are crucial for timely intervention and effective management.


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Want 5 x 30 minute exercise plans to get your vascular and sexual health energized?
Read on.

Stop making excuses.
We all do it – but get real.
Excuses are like assholes – everyone’s got one and some of them are really shitty.

A MINIMUM of 30 minutes EVERYDAY doing something active to get your heart pumping is required to be part of your routine.
Regular exercise has been associated with various health benefits, including improvements in cardiovascular health, mental health, sexual health, hormonal balance, and overall well-being.

For your sexual health – regular exercise can reduce your risk of Erectile Dysfunction, especially in middle-aged and older men.

A recent study shows how exercise can benefit your mental health, far greater than antidepressants.

In a study about men’s cardiovascular health it has been shown that regular exercise is associated with the promotion of better blood flow throughout the body, including the genital area. This can be beneficial for erectile function.

And as it relates to the endocrine system, it’s been shown that resistance training can positively influence hormonal balance, including testosterone levels, which may impact sexual health.

While there are hundreds of clinical studies exploring the relationship between exercise and sexual health in men, it’s important to note that individual responses may vary, and additional research is always being done.
The key is to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity.

So where do we start?

Here are five 30-minute exercise routines for men that target vascular health and contribute to overall well-being:

1. Cardiovascular Focus:
Warm-up (5 minutes): Jumping jacks, high knees, arm circles.
Cardio (20 minutes): Brisk walking, jogging, or cycling.
Strength Training (5 minutes): Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges.
Cool Down (5 minutes): Stretching for major muscle groups.

2. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
Warm-up (5 minutes): Jump rope, light jogging in place.
HIIT Session (15 minutes): Alternating between 30 seconds of intense exercises (burpees, mountain climbers) and 30 seconds of rest.
Strength Training (5 minutes): Dumbbell exercises (bicep curls, overhead press).
Cool Down (5 minutes): Stretching and deep breathing.

3. Full-Body Strength and Cardio:
Warm-up (5 minutes): Dynamic stretches.
Strength Training (15 minutes): Circuit of squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks.
Cardio (10 minutes): Running intervals or jumping jacks.
Cool Down (5 minutes): Yoga-inspired stretches.

4. Cycling and Core Workout:
Warm-up (5 minutes): Light stretching.
Cycling (20 minutes): Moderate-paced cycling, either on a stationary bike or outdoors.
Core Workout (5 minutes): Planks, bicycle crunches, Russian twists.
Cool Down (5 minutes): Gentle stretching.

5. Yoga and Relaxation:
Warm-up (5 minutes): Gentle yoga poses and deep breathing.
Yoga Session (20 minutes): Focus on poses that promote flexibility, balance, and relaxation.
Meditation (5 minutes): Mindful breathing or meditation to reduce stress.
Cool Down (5 minutes): Seated stretches and relaxation.

Consistency is key, and it’s essential to incorporate a variety of exercises to address cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility.
Remember to tailor these routines to your fitness level and preferences.

Before starting a new exercise program, consider consulting with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

#ottawa #Waterloo #Kitchener #ErectileDysfunction #EDtreatment #Menshealth #PeyroniesDisease #NitricOxide #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #UrinaryIncontinence #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #Anorgasmia #libido #sexualdysfunction #Dyspareunia #shockwavetherapy #sexualhealth #chronicpain #bladderincontinence #ErectileFunction #SexualHealthClinic #CurvedPenis #painfulerection #chronicpelvicpain #FocusWave #pelvichealth #pain #naturopath #testosterone

Tip 6/30 – Throw the Kitchen Sink At Your Problem

ottawa premiere shockwave therapy clinic men's health ED Peyronie

Tip 6/30 – Throw the Kitchen Sink at your problem

The patients who have the best results with shockwave therapy typically throw the Kitchen Sink at the problem.

At FocusWave Clinic, we always recommend patients be their own best advocate. 

No one cares about your sexual health as much as you should.  

The suggestions from the allopathic medical community usually involve drugs, injections or surgery – and we want you to avoid these at all costs.  

It should be noted that these options are also not 100% guaranteed to work, and the side effects and risks are very real.

And so while shockwave is an amazing modality, we never stop there. 

At FocusWave we use the Kitchen Sink strategy. 

We throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.





Sex Therapy,

Functional Medicine,

Treatment Devices.

Who cares what works – let’s try it all.

For Erectile Dysfunction patients, we strongly encourage changes to improve vascular health (nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress, lifestyle) and the abandonment of non-natural prescription drugs.  All of these can and will have deleterious effects on your erectile function.  Adding Nitric Oxide supplementation and vacuum pumps can make a further difference.  

For Peyronie’s Disease – we recommend jelquing, stretching, traction devices and also Nitric Oxide supplementation.  

For Chronic Pelvic Pains or Bladder Incontinence issues, we strongly recommend a visit to a pelvic floor physiotherapist in conjunction with your focused shockwave therapy treatment.

A visit to a naturopathic physician is always recommended for our patients. 
We have access to the very best people to support your problem. 

By following the Kitchen Sink strategy, and in conjunction with our unique FOCUSED shockwave therapy protocol, we have seen even further improvements in our patients.  

In fact, we have seen positive developments in about 50% of the 30% expected non-responders, thus increasing the efficacy from 70% to about 85%.  

Truly amazing.  

I’m so happy (it makes me well up sometimes) when I hear patients and their success stories.

That said, I remain hyper focused and frustrated for the 15% who are still not seeing results. 

I dwell on it and really push them to keep going.

The only thing we can keep doing is to ‘KitchenSink’ it.  

You need to consider every option and take a 360 degree approach to slow the regression, and possibly reverse the conditions leading to the decline of your sexual wellness. 

Let us help you. 

We have access to the very best technology and support to get you on the right track. 

Give Shockwave Therapy a try.  

Book your consultation or FREE Discovery Call here:

Call 888-558-WAVE (9283) for more information.

Text 613-878-8164 for a quick chat.

But it all starts with you.
Start the Conversation.

#ottawa #Waterloo #Kitchener #ErectileDysfunction #EDtreatment #Menshealth #PeyroniesDisease #NitricOxide #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #UrinaryIncontinence #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #Anorgasmia #libido #sexualdysfunction #Dyspareunia #shockwavetherapy #sexualhealth #chronicpain #bladderincontinence #ErectileFunction #SexualHealthClinic #CurvedPenis #painfulerection #chronicpelvicpain #FocusWave #pelvichealth #pain #naturopath #testosterone

Tip 5/30 – What is Shockwave Therapy?

shockwave therapy ottawa erectile dysfunction Peyronie disease

Tip 5/30 – What is Shockwave Therapy and what’s the difference between the clinics that offer it?

  1. Shockwave Therapy is a POWERFUL medical modality, one of the few that can treat not just DOZENS of conditions, but even diseases and syndromes.  

There is a massive amount of information available online about shockwave therapy.
It’s a relatively young modality, but there’s been hundreds of clinical trials that have proven its safety and efficacy.  

I encourage you to read this list of clinical studies on shockwave therapy (sometimes called ESWT or LiST or LIESWT – short for Low Intensity Electromagnetic Shock Wave Therapy).

New research is being done all the time.
Here’s a very recent study from this year:

“TLDR: LIESWT improves erectile function in the short-term especially in men with mild to moderate ED, and those without a cardiometabolic disease.”

It should be noted that not 100% of the studies show shockwave therapy as being effective. 

There are many factors as to why not every clinical trial is successful: Types of patients recruited, quality of device used, number of treatments, number of shocks, energy level of shocks, etc.  

That’s ok – this is science.

It’s also called a ‘practice’ for a reason – often times we continue to learn and try to improve. 

There exists no STANDARD shockwave therapy protocol that works for 100% of people.

That said – true shockwave (FOCUSED/LINEAR) is extremely safe, PAINLESS and side-effect free for almost everyone.  

It requires no downtime, no surgery, no invasion, and no drugs.  

Shockwave is an absolutely amazing, NATURAL medical technology that continues to evolve.  

  1. There are different types of ‘shockwave therapy’ and not all treatments are created equally.

Some treatments that advertise themselves as shockwave therapy don’t actually use true shockwaves.

Most important, and with respect to regenerative sexual medicine for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, and Urinary Incontinence or BPH, patients should insist their practitioner use FOCUSED or LINEAR shockwaves, NOT Radial/Acoustic/Piezoic or some gimmicky chair you sit in that makes you Kegel.  

Only FOCUSED/LINEAR shockwaves produce actual shockwaves, travelling at 1,500m/s into the body, with tremendous depth (7-12cm), to affect the necessary cellular level changes and stimulate angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation).  

Clinicians must use technology that allow them to modify the energy delivered by the focused shockwave – for targeting plaques and blockages or for breaking up calcifications and scar tissue.  They should be able to do this without PANCAKING the penis (pressing hard onto your member to achieve the required depths) which can be painful and cause bruising.

An inflamed prostate (BPH, non bacterial prostatitis, causing chronic pelvic pain syndrome or urinary incontinence) receiving FOCUSED shockwave therapy will see a decrease in the release of inflammatory mediators from cells in the treated area, and will trigger the nociceptors for pain relief.

Once again – only FOCUSED shockwaves can produce these benefits with any degree of accuracy and nothing will outperform a true shockwave delivered electromagnetically directly to the penis or perineum.  

So insist on FOCUSED or LINEAR shockwaves, specifically electromagnetically generated.

These are the most painless, side effect free, and no downtime procedures available in the marketplace today. 

  1. The technology is the proven science – but equally important (and possibly even MORE important) is the capable and caring clinician.

Shockwave Therapy is both a science AND an art.


The SCIENCE comes from using the right technology and from defining a generalized protocol.

The ART comes from developing a unique protocol for each patient (since everyone is different) and from the clinician understanding how to properly apply the technology.


The ability of the clinician to properly and effectively target the specific condition requires skill, patience, care, and a good understanding of the specific condition and how to treat it.

At FocusWave Clinic, only certified shockwave therapy clinicians with backgrounds in nursing or physiotherapy are treating our patients.  

Registered nurses (male for male issues, female for female issues) tend to be the very best at treatment – because of their very strong attention to detail, understanding of various medical conditions, and their patient-centric demeanour. 

  1. Shockwave Therapy really works – but not 100% – and not for everyone.

One of the questions I get asked most often is: What is your patients’ success rate?

The answer is – it depends.

In medicine, there are no guarantees.  

Everyone knows this but it needs reminding.

Not everyone will see 100% success in 100% of any medical treatment, whether it’s CPR, Chemo or Shockwave Therapy.

When I first started digging into the research prior to opening this clinic, I was somewhat skeptical about shockwave as a non-invasive strategy for improving and possibly, reversing, sexual diseases and conditions. 

The clinical studies meted out mostly positive results, and it was clearly a very safe treatment.

The numbers showed that, in general and on average, about 70% of patients reported positive results lasting anywhere from 6 months to 5 years.

At present, MORE than 80% of FocusWave Clinic patients are having positive results with Focused Shockwave Therapy.  

Be it new morning erections, lasting longer and feeling strong during intercourse, the straightening out of penis curvature, a reduction in pelvic pain, decreased frequency and urgency of urination.

Patients are WINNING. 

The wildcards that help us improve success rates including employing The Kitchen Sink Strategy (see next tip), which can close the gap of ineffectiveness.  

Book your consultation or FREE Discovery Call here:

Call 888-558-WAVE (9283) for more information.

Text 613-878-8164 for a quick chat.

#ottawa #Waterloo #Kitchener #ErectileDysfunction #EDtreatment #Menshealth #PeyroniesDisease #NitricOxide #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #UrinaryIncontinence #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #Anorgasmia #libido #sexualdysfunction #Dyspareunia #shockwavetherapy #sexualhealth #chronicpain #bladderincontinence #ErectileFunction #SexualHealthClinic #CurvedPenis #painfulerection #chronicpelvicpain #FocusWave #pelvichealth #pain #naturopath #testosterone

Tip 4/30 – Is shockwave always effective treatment for ED?

erectile dysfunction treatment with shockwave therapy

Tip 4/30 – Is shockwave always effective treatment for ED?

My 12 year old son Billy knows more about men’s sexual health than any 12 year old probably should.

For someone who has limited experience with boners, he asks some pertinent questions. 

The other day he said: “does everyone have the same kind of ED?”

“Good question buddy!”

And the answer is – NO. 

Some guys have very mild Erectile Dysfunction – it might not feel as strong as before, but you can get the job done.  

Others have more moderate and concerning symptoms – occasional failure to perform, declining libido.  

And some present with severe symptoms – a complete inability to sustain an erection.  

The majority of patients who come to see us suffer from vasculogenic ED, due to poor penile bloodflow.

In this case, focused shockwave therapy is highly effective.  

It’s considered a first line therapy by the European Association of Urology for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.

Your ED might be vasculogenic in nature, and even then, focused shockwave therapy alone will prove difficult, or even impossible, to improve your condition. Significant and chronic blood flow issues are difficult to correct with short term therapy. It will require additional effort on your part.  ED can be a harbinger of vascular illness, and patients should be well aware that atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) can impede blood flow to the penis. 

Your ED, however, might be hormonal in nature, and focused shockwave therapy alone, while providing ancillary vasculogenic benefits, might be of secondary importance to increasing your testosterone or correcting another hormonal imbalance. Are you taking medications that adversely affect erectile function?  Talk to your prescribing physician or ask us about visiting an amazing Naturopathic Physician in your area. We have access to the very best available. 

Your ED might be psychogenic in nature – and focused shockwave therapy, while it will eventually be used for neurology, cannot remove the dark clouds in your head. If you are anxious & depressed, or dealing with low libido and drive, or perhaps your partner is just unwilling – this may be the key driver. Sex starts in the brain. Talk to your doctor or ask us about finding a sex therapist in your area. We have access to the very best available.

How important is your sexual wellness and performance to you?

Give Shockwave Therapy a try.  

Book your consultation or FREE Discovery Call here:

Call 888-558-WAVE (9283) for more information.

Text 613-878-8164 for a quick chat.

#ottawa #Waterloo #Kitchener #ErectileDysfunction #EDtreatment 

#Menshealth #PeyroniesDisease #NitricOxide #ChronicPelvicPainSyndrome #UrinaryIncontinence #PelvicFloorPhysiotherapy #Anorgasmia #libido #sexualdysfunction #Dyspareunia #shockwavetherapy #sexualhealth #chronicpain #bladderincontinence #ErectileFunction #SexualHealthClinic #CurvedPenis #painfulerection #chronicpelvicpain #FocusWave #pelvichealth #pain #naturopath #testosterone 

Tip # 2 / 30 – Andropause

erectile dysfunction clinic ottawa Waterloo kitchener shockwave therapy peyronie's men's health

Tip #2/30 – ANDROPAUSE

What is Andropause and how do you stop it?

Andropause is characterized by a decline in testosterone production and the symptoms are generally related to a reduction in sexual function. 

It is also known as ‘late onset hypogonadism’. 

Some features of andropause include: 

Diminishing libido and erectile function, 

a reduced desire for sexual intimacy and relationships, 

and a decline in general well-being.

And NO ONE wants to talk about it. 

The most concerning symptom for men – and these are the patients we see – is an inability to get, or maintain, an erection (Erectile Dysfunction aka ED).
Erections that don’t last, don’t feel full, don’t feel strong, are not enough to penetrate – these are the main consternations we hear from our patients.

ED can be considered vasculogenic (related to poor blood flow), psychogenic (your head is getting in the way), or hormonal.

Sometimes it’s a combination of all 3 – but for the majority of men above the age of 50 – the issue is vascular and circulatory in nature.  

ED is a complex condition that can categorized as either mild, moderate or severe. 

This can be determined through some simple questionnaires and honest self-reporting.

Ultrasounds can also be considered to measure blood flow (Doppler) and look for anomalies in the penis (Penile), as well.

Either way, at FocusWave Clinic, we will advise you on how to work on all 3 forms of ED to get you back to where you need to be, and work to halt the regression caused by Andropause.

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Struggling down there?  

You are NOT alone.
50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from some form of sexual condition or dysfunction.

Isn’t it time to seek the help you need?

FocusWave Clinic offers 24 minute treatments for Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, and Urinary Incontinence.
Painless, Non-Invasive, Side-Effect Free!

You’re in – You’re out – You’re UP!

There’s also No Downtime!
You can leave the clinic and resume your daily activities – including sex!
In fact – we encourage it!

Insist on Focused Shockwave Therapy.
Unfocused or Acoustic Wave Therapy is USELESS and/or PAINFUL.

Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation.

You’ll speak with our clinic director, Drew, who is a member of the International Society of Sexual Medicine and with an educational background in biology.
Drew has spoken with more than 4000 men and women in the last 3 years reading their specific and unique conditions.
Don’t be shy – he will not be.  

Once at our clinic – you’ll meet with an amazing registered nurse who is also a certified shockwave therapy clinician.
He will run a battery of tests on you regarding your sexual wellness.
He will also perform a physical exam, go through your entire medical history, and teach you the specifics about how shockwave therapy works and how it might benefit your condition.

Once you are deemed a candidate for focused shockwave therapy – you can begin your treatment whenever you are ready.

Stand Firm and make a change!

BOOK an IN-CLINIC Consultation ($99) or a FREE DISCOVERY CALL:

Text / What’s App: 613-878-8164

Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation

Email us at if you have any specific questions.
Complete our online form at

January 2024 Shockwave Special!!!!

Erectile Dysfunction Peyronie's disease Chronic Pain Mens Health Shockwave Therapy

Struggling down there?  

You are NOT alone.

50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from some form of sexual condition or dysfunction.

Insist on Focused Shockwave Therapy.

Unfocused or Acoustic Wave Therapy is USELESS and/or PAINFUL.

FocusWave Clinic offers 24 minute treatments for Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, and Urinary Incontinence.

Painless, Non-Invasive, Side-Effect Free!

You’re in – 

You’re out – 

You’re UP!

There’s No Downtime!

Leave the clinic and resume your daily activities, including sex!

In fact – we encourage it!

Isn’t it time to seek the help you need?

Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation.

You’ll speak with our clinic director, Drew, who is a member of the International Society of Sexual Medicine and has an educational background in biology and a career in technology.

Drew has spoken with more than 4000 men and women in the last 3 years reading their specific and unique conditions.  

Don’t be shy – he will not be.  

Once at our clinic – you’ll meet with an amazing registered nurse who is also a certified shockwave therapy clinician.  

He will run a battery of tests on you regarding your sexual wellness.  

He will also perform a physical exam, go through your entire medical history, and teach you the specifics about how shockwave therapy works and how it might benefit your condition.

Once you are deemed a candidate for focused shockwave therapy – you can begin your treatment whenever you are ready.

Stand Firm And Make a Change!

Text / What’s App: 613-878-8164
Call 888-558-9283 to complete your free intake call and book your initial consultation

Email us at if you have any specific questions.
Complete our online form at