What is the prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
According to this study – there’s a wide range.
At Ottawa’s FocusWave Clinic, the average patient age is about 56 years old – but we have treated men aged 19 to 91.
The rule of thumb is that 40% of men over 40 have experienced ED, 50% of men over 50, 60% of men over 60, and so on.
Bottom line – if you get to 100 years old – its basically assured that you are going to need some help!
Why not start treating THE CAUSE and not just the symptom?
Non-invasive & PAINLESS, Focused Shockwave Therapy is a side-effect free technology that can help men to achieve natural, longer lasting and fuller erections.
The treatment is also approved for treating Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS).
As well, our clinic treats all ranges of CHRONIC PAIN conditions (Plantar Fasciitis, Calcific Shoulders, Tennis/Golf Elbow, and much more).
Learn more by visiting www.focuswaveclinic.com or call 613-422-9283 for a free consultation.